Thursday, January 16, 2014


I am thinking out loud today.

What makes you review a business/service that you have used?

Is it great customer service? Or maybe bad customer service?

Was it that the groom you wanted wasn't exactly right? If it wasn't exactly right, do you go to a different groomer or do you call the business and let them know it wasn't right and give the business a second chance?

We have had a lot of different situations. As the business owner I like all feedback, good or bad. Of course we LOVE to hear good feedback. But, we also, know we are human and we do make mistakes. Sometimes, a negative review is what the doctor ordered.So that we can fix the problem. I am not saying that we need the negative reviews. We work really hard to keep them at a minimum. But, they happen and when they do, it allows me to make the changes that are necessary.

We are very open here, at the Dog Wash. We have a survey on our website, for people to tell us anonymously what they think of our place and the job we did. We welcome all feedback in all forms.

There are so many reason to do a review. What are some of yours?

Feel free to post comments below.

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